Monday, November 10, 2008

I'm sorry it has been a whille

Ok I know I have not been the best about updating my blog and I am sorry but I have all kinds of news to share.
First things is I got a JOB I am so excited. I will be starting on the 17th. I am working for a mortgage banker / broker again. I am working for my old boss Kim most of you have met her before and her new partner Mike very nice guy. I am so excited to go back to work I have loved being home (some days) but I love going to work everyday also.
Next Conner went to the dentist for the first time last week and we found out he has 2 cavities so he has to have crowns put on that was Wednesday, so we scheduled his appointment for the next day they were going to give him a medicine to make him sleepy and make the whole process easier for him, well let me tell you his retalin works much better than the medicine they gave him it did not make him sleepy at all so needless to say we did not get his crowns done Thursday, so tomorrow we have to go back and he will get an IV to put him to sleep and make it where he does have a good experience at the dentist and will not worry about going back for the next time. So wish us luck tomorrow for my big boy.

Everything else is going good Collin is getting so big and talking all the time now that I have been home he has learned to talk for himself it has always been Conner talking for Collin and since Conner is at school all day Collin he talking for himself.
Here are some pictures from Halloween sorry it took me so long to post them.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Boys will be Boys is what I am told.........

So we have had a really crazy week again with injuries I swear I feel like CPS will be calling me anyday now. So Sunday we were all outside Conner was playing and Conner tripped and hit the side of the house and busted his head open on the bricks outside luckily no stitches, then last night Collin was playing I was in the other room and I hear this big thud and Collin start crying I go into the living room Josh is holding Collin and Collin puts his arms out and his noes and mouth are just gushing blood I was for sure he broke his nose but luckily it was not he did not have to make a trip to the doctor but his nose is all bruised today. I swear every time one of them gets healed from and injury the other one is hurting them self. Josh told me they are boys they will get hurt dont worry but geez this is enought to make me go crazy
These pictures are from this morning

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just an Update

It has been a few days or week or so since I have updated everyone. Things are going good Conner is doing great at school now I am so excited when I pick him up from school he always has this big smile on his face and hands me his back pack so he can show off his green smiley faces.
Monday Conner was out of school so I told him that we would go to the park his school is only a few blocks away from our house so we decided to take a walk to the school playground, well as we got to the school there was some men working on the playground so we could not go there, so we decided that we would go to the community park. I was not exactly sure where it was so we just walked for a while luckily I found it we just happened to take all the right streets to get there but it was a mile long walk, Conner and I walked as Collin got to ride in his little car, I was so proud of Conner he did not complain at all the mile there and the mile back he never said a word. Here are just a few pictures of the boys at the park.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Zoo

So for months Conner keeps telling people that he has never been to the zoo (which is not the truth) so Josh and I decided to go to the zoo this weekend. We had so much fun all Conner wanted to see was the rhinos he talked about it all the way to the zoo, he read the map for us and told us where to go, Conner tought Collin how to stand on the rails so he could see the animals it was great here a just a few pictures of our trip at the zoo.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Collins Hair Cut

So today I decided Collin needed a hair cut usually we get it just trimmed a little bit cause his hair is so lite and so thin so the lady asked me how short did I want it I explained and she said oh lets do a #5 me having no clue what a #5 is I asked how long is that she said 2 fingers together, so I said ok, well let me tell you she was wrong as you can see in the picture. But I will have to admit it is pretty cute.

Monday, September 29, 2008

My first blog

Ok so I am going to try this someone (not naming any names Erica), talked me into it. As most of you know I got laid off from my job last week and I am staying home currently, it’s been ok so far last week was really a crazy week. Tuesday I got laid off right after that my step dad called me and informed me that his step father had passed away, then Wednesday night Collin for some reason was playing in the trash and cut his finger on an empty can we spent 5 hours at the hospital getting his finger stitched up my poor baby has 3 stitches in his index finger, so needless to say Collin was home with me all week. Also on Thursday we finally got an answer from Conner's doctor he has come to the conclusion that Conner has ADHD so I go to his other doctor on Sept 2nd to find out what kind of medicine that they will be giving him to try to help control some of his behavior. I am just happy that we finally have an answer from someone at this point.